2022 Fissan-Pui TSI Award
Call for Nominations: Deadline May 1st 2022

The Fissan-Pui-TSI Award will be granted by the International Aerosol Research Assembly (IARA) to recognize international collaboration in the field of aerosol science and technology between researchers/engineers residing on at least two different continents. The award may be shared between two or more collaborating individuals or teams.
Nominations are open and should include the following:
The nominator and at least one of the nominees must be a member of an IARA member society, but the other collaborating nominees can be any individuals, both inside and outside IARA member societies.
- A nomination letter,
- Curriculum vitae for each individual,
- A list of joint publications,
- A list of joint achievements, and reports of collaborative projects.
- At least two supporting letters of recommendation for the collaboration must be included in the nomination. Supporting letters for the individual candidates are not required.
The entire package should be sent as a single pdf file to the Chair of the Committee.
- The Award committee consists of the Chair who is the current Vice President of IARA, and 3 or 4 members approved by the IARA Board.
- The award consists of a certificate and a monetary award to each of the recipients.
Questions concerning the award can be addressed to the chair of the Fissan-Pui-TSI Award Committee Chair:
Professor Nikolaos Mihalopoulos
University of Crete (UoC)
Chemistry Department and
National Observatory of Athens (NOA)
Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development
Email:nmihalo@noa.gr; mihalo@uoc.gr