Young Investigator Network event

Date: 6 September 2022
Time: 19:00-21:00
Place: MC3
Price: No cost (Sponsored by GAeF and TSI)
Pre-registration is mandatory (registration link will be sent by email)
The Young Investigators Network (YIN) invites early career scientists to participate in a social event with the possibility to meet other early career scientists and become a part of the young aerosol network.
How to make good science?
A lot of topics fall under the term Science Integrity, some of which become increasingly important and are discussed among young scientists. What does a co-authorship actually signify and does it really matter how many are added? How open are open data claims on papers, really? Where is the border between drawing inspiration from the work of others and plagiarism?
Join us in a discussion on academic grey zones. The event will include a short introductory talk by an invited expert and small group discussions. After the talk and discussions, food and drinks will be served with a chance for further mingling.
The event is organised by the Nordic Society for Aerosol Research (NOSA) early career scientist (ECS) board in collaboration with Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF, the German aerosol community) ECS representatives.
Find more information about YIN and GAeF events here (, NOSA ECS board here (
For more information, please contact us at